Tuesday, September 20, 2016

LEO Global Associates Meeting 19th September 2016 , Webinar

Leo Global Associate Meeting 19 September 2016 , Webinar
Michelle Smith brings us right up to date with what is happening in the world of LEO.

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Bill Gates Bitcoin | http://www.digitalcurrencyfuture.com | Use this link to gain access to information about the new 2nd generation cryptocurrency mentioned in the video.

Bill Gates likes Bitcoin? I don’t know about you, but if Bill Gates is going to come out supporting something in the world of technology & money, I’m going to be paying serious attention.

America’s richest man actually threw his weight behind cryptocurrency and digital currency in general during the Sibos 2014 financial-services industry conference in Boston. He sees the low cost to no cost payments solution as the way of the future.

For more information and education on cryptocurrency visit:

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About LEO

LEO is a business concept created by Dan Andersson and Atif Kamran, launched on 20/12, 2012. LEO stands for Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd, a UK company, and also is the abbreviation of the company's mantra Learn Earn Own.

LEO has strong subsidiaries in eight countries. One of the key subsidiaries is a
UAE company providing training and education online in Dubai.

When people learn about LEO and explore it deeply, peeling back layer after layer, they see that the business vision of this company is true and deep, it is about adding value, not taking away.

"Our vision is about teaching people, about facilitating someone learning to be an entrepreneur in the truest sense of the word," says Dan. "In a world full of pitch and exaggeration, where we all know someone who has fallen victim of a scam, we have built and continue to build LEO to be transparent and something you can be proud to be a part of.